Unlock the Power of Precision Marketing with Prognos Health

Prognos Health – the most trusted provider of actionable real-world data (RWD) in the life sciences industry – is now bringing the precision, accuracy and timeliness of lab data to fill the unmet needs of pharma brands for HCP targeting and patient engagement.

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Tired of generic marketing campaigns that yield lackluster results? Prognos Health's precision marketing suite is your solution for laser-focused, data-driven commercialization strategies.

Why choose Prognos?

Harness the Power of Lab Data: We leverage the earliest, most objective indicators of patient health – lab results. This allows you to pinpoint optimal intervention moments and engage healthcare providers with the right message at the right time.

Drive Personalized Engagement: Our platform triggers personalized outreach to HCPs based on real-time lab data, ensuring the most relevant information is delivered precisely when it matters most.

Maximize ROI: With a proven track record of delivering up to 7:1 ROI, our solution is a game-changer for rare disease, oncology, product launches, and second-line treatment options.

Make Data-Driven Decisions: Gain invaluable insights to refine your targeting, messaging, and resource allocation, leading to more effective campaigns and improved patient outcomes.

Ready to revolutionize your commercialization efforts?

Discover how Prognos Health can empower your brand team to achieve unprecedented success. Contact us today to schedule a demo and unlock the full potential of precision marketing.

Learn More About Prognos Precision Marketing

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