Generate powerful outcomes insights from closed medical and pharmacy claims integrated with harmonized lab data.
Empower outcomes studies with a full view of patient activity including lab results.
Outcomes research is used by life science companies to evaluate a variety of measures as they relate to patient care. Among these are safety, efficacy, burden of illness, and healthcare costs. The output from outcome studies can be used to improve patient care as well as evidence for various organizations that impact access to care — including insurers, employers, health care systems, and government entities.
The first step in study design is to define your study protocol describing the relevant population or cohort. Studies include condition of interest, treatments of interest, and co-morbidities and treatments that may, in fact, exclude an individual from entering your study.

With Prognos Factor’s Cohort Designer, you set the criteria for cohort inclusion and quickly determine how many patients are available for study — those that meet the criteria and are eligible during length of your study.
- Identify key requirements of the study and comparator group including metrics for matching such as diagnosis, age groups, comorbidities, gender, disease severity and treatments
- Ensure that the patients are consistently captured in the claims data for the data period of interest
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Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.
HEOR teams leverage closed claims when studying patient outcomes because they can be assured that all of a patient’s physician & hospital visits, procedures, and treatments are captured.
However, claims do not include lab test results, which are important in understanding patient characteristics and health. Your outcomes studies benefit from our unique combination of closed claims and lab tests results.
Prognos’ commercial closed claims data includes the combined claims in the U.S. of patients from dozens of commercial health plans.
- About 70M covered lives over the past year
- Approximately 40% of the U.S. commercially insured population, and more than 115M over the past 5 years
- Pharmacy claims include prescribed medications, Rx date, days supply, and quantity dispensed
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Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.
We’ve been able to see how patients respond to competitive therapies and pinpoint when and how our brand is a more effective treatment.
Lab tests are a vital part of studying outcomes.
Integrating harmonized lab data with closed medical claims data empowers HEOR teams to best understand what’s impacting a patient’s health.
- Study specific patient populations — With targeted and other therapies aimed at treating niche populations, laboratory test results help researchers identify only the appropriate populations to study such as those with or without a certain biomarker or disease progression or severity.
- Identify disease progression — Laboratory test results can reveal if a patient’s disease has progressed, relapsed, or is controlled.
- Measure drug tolerance and side effects — Laboratory testing can shed light on how well patients are tolerating therapy in categories of focus.
Get Answers Faster
Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.