HCP data and analytics software. One Platform. Purpose Built Data. Faster Answers.
The #1 source of purpose-built lab data, now with an entire ecosystem of healthcare data assets you need to answer even your most complex questions. Prognos was first to market, creating harmony between lab data types and extracting its complete analytical value in a powerful platform. Now we integrate that data with millions of medical and prescription claims into a marketplace with HCP data and analytics software.

Billions of data points at your fingertips including harmonized lab data on 325M patients, open and closed medical claims and prescription claims.
Register Now for prognosFACTOR
Prognos Marketplace is a healthcare data marketplace that simplifies the data selection and contracting process by providing a self-service online destination where you can easily curate and purchase the health data you need when you need it.
- Start with the patient centric data that meets your business need.
- Leverage Datavant tokenization to readily access their ecosystem of over 400 data providers without having to contract anew.
- Then Factor does all the heavy lifting integrating all assets to fine tune the ideal patient cohort for ongoing analysis and a myriad of use cases.
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Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.

Driven by the need to overcome the challenges in representing the unique nature of healthcare data using conventional data technologies, our team developed Factor Logic™ — a patent-pending technology that can query vast amounts of patient-centric healthcare data instantaneously. Read the whole story in our white paper.
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Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.
We started our journey transforming untenable lab test results into analytics-ready data assets. And that’s because lab data is the leading indicator of a patient’s health trajectory. Integrating lab test results with other healthcare data provides the “when” and the “why” in your analysis.
- Longitudinal patient data
- Practice and physician data
- Lab test result details
- Free text in lab test records
- All integrated with medical and Rx claims
Get Answers Faster
Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.
Get Answers Faster
Watch your questions answered with unparalleled speed. De-identified record level patient data already integrated & easily linked to other sources. Prognos puts you in control.