Clinical specificity not found in any ordinary map.

Discover opportunities in minutes, not months.

Our team of product and domain experts thought of every factor you need to consider for your study. Design a more meaningful cohort of patients, start your analysis in minutes with longitudinal patient journey data, answer the “whens” and “whys” of disease and treatment progression. Then proactively align brand strategy to clinical treatment decisions.

Healthcare analytics with unprecedented agility.
  • Prognos Factor unifies data across the healthcare landscape, illuminates the entire patient journey as it happens, and pinpoints insights at decision speed.
  • Conduct analysis with the touch of a button on our longitudinal patient journey software.
Patient Journey Events.

The factors of proactive strategy and tactics at your fingertips

  • Calculate the proportion of patients in your cohort who experience a certain type of event.
  • Measure how often a particular type of event occurs for cohort patients in a defined time period.
  • Calculate the amount of time that elapses between one event (the index event) and a subsequent event.
adherence persistence and compliance analytics
A poor test result can impact persistence and compliance.
Persistence & Compliance.

Clarity on adherence is pivotal in ensuring an improved health outcome for patients, especially those with chronic conditions requiring long term medical attention.

  • Measure adherence to medication including how long patients remain on therapy and how many days they had access to a medication.
  • Educate physicians on the importance of alignment and follow-through with their patients once a medication has been prescribed.
  • Clearly understand the impact of a poor test result on persistence and compliance.
Lines of Therapy.

Many brands on the market today treat patients later in their patient journey, often second-line, third-line, or later. In order to measure your market size and opportunity, you must understand how many patients progress to the further lines of therapy.

  • See what therapies are used often first, second, third, etc.
  • Watch what proportion of patients move from a therapy or class of therapies to another
  • Compare how different patient populations’ therapy paths vary

This is mind-blowing, literally patient journey at the push of a button. I’m a data scientist by training — I want to work for Prognos!

— Head of Data Science, AI and Product Launch, Top 10 pharmaceutical company

Always in the know.

Patient journey is not a one and done. Monitoring is essential at every stage of the brand life cycle. For this, you need an ongoing and updated spectrum of data to truly understand how patients progress. Then you can take strategic action on important paths of interest.

  • Understand how and when patients are being diagnosed
  • Size patient populations – diagnosed, tested, treated
  • Map out how treatment decisions vary based on patient characteristics
  • Determine how often patients are interacting with different types of providers
  • Know how frequently patients are being seen, tested, and treated during their healthcare journey
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